Muutamana päivänä sää kuin keväällä - lämmittävä aurinko, pisarat oksilla, leppeä tuuli. Sitten taas yhtäkkiä pakkasta ja harmautta.
/ Few days spring-like weather - warming sun, drops on branches, mild wind. Then suddenly frost and grayness again.
Uusia lankoja 💙
/ New yarns 💙
Hämeenlinnan kaupunki täytti 378 vuotta viime viikon torstaina ja sen kunniaksi muutamiin museoihin oli vapaa pääsy aiempien vuosien tapaan. Käytiin Ellin kanssa taas Palanderin talossa ihastelemassa, sattui aivan ihana aurinkoinen ilmakin sille päivällä. Yllä olevat kuvat ovat sieltä ja monet muutkin tuolla alempana.
/ My hometown turned 378 years last Thursday and to celebrate it there were a free entry to some museums like previous years. We went to Palander House with Elli (again - we went last year too) to admire it and it happenned to be the most loveliest sunny weather on that day too. These pictures above are from there and many others below too.
Auringonlasku metsässä.
/ Sunset in a forest.
Aamuteetä terassilla.
/ Morning tea on our terrace.
Hämeenlinna vuonna 1892. Miltä täällä onkaan joskus näyttänyt.. Täältä löytyy vanhoja kuvia lisää - tosin niiden vierellä näkyy mitä paikalla on nykyään ja se on aika kamalaa katsottavaa. Mitä ihmettä ihmiset ovat oikein ajatelleet purkaessaan upeita rakennuksia?
/ My town in 1892. Nothing left of those old houses..all demolished. I don't understand what people have been thinking back in the days, tearing down beautiful buildings.
Luin Sofi Oksasen Norman mutta en oikein tiedä pidinkö siitä vai en. Se oli todella hyvin kirjoitettu ja suorastaan ahmin sen mutta joku siinä tökkäsi. Ei ollut mielestäni niin hyvä kuin muut Oksasen. Mutta kansi on kaunis :)
/ I eead this book but don't know if I liked it or not. But the cover is beautiful :)
Minni ja auringonnousu.
/ Minni and the sunrise.
Lovely photos, it's a shame they tear down the old buildings some of them are beautiful, we are having mild weather also, have a good week.
VastaaPoistaThank you! Yes, I get really really sad when seeing an old building/ house torn down. Old ones are so much more beautiful than the houses they now build..
PoistaMy town is turning 375 this year! I am looking forward to the special events that are planned. Your photographs are so lovely--I always enjoy them. I wish, too, that people cared about preserving beautiful old buildings and things. The weather here in New England is also very mild this winter--13°C last Saturday (my birthday). I don't ever remember it being so springlike in January.
VastaaPoistaOh great! Happy birthday to your town :) There are luckily many pretty old buildings left in our town but ohh..TOO many were torn down especially in the 60's..and it makes me sad to see what they used to be and what they build to replace them.
PoistaHappy February to you!
Your pictures are so incredibly beautiful, it's like a dream!
VastaaPoistaThank you so much <3
PoistaToday I went to a village with ancient houses,big ones, some more like little castles. All made of stones, they are from the late 15OO's, sometimes more. I used to live in a house built in the 17th. In France we do protect old stones, but until when?It is more and more expensive, anda lot of them are purchased by wealthy people from other countries,and houses are becoming too much expensive in those villages so young people go away to big cities .
VastaaPoistaYes - I know what you are talking about. We have lot's of old mansions here and it's same thing with them..they're too expensive to keep warm etc. But that is another problem..I'm more sad about all smaller old houses that are torn down and replaced with ugly new ones. And to see what out town used to look like and what it looks like no..:((
PoistaIhana kuvasarja taas! Kaipa tuota Normaa täytyy kokeilla. Olen kyllä tykännyt muista Oksasen kirjoista. Mukavaa viikonloppua!
VastaaPoistaKiitos! Minäkin olen tykännyt muista mutta tuo oli vähän kummallinen..
PoistaTapettiherkkuja, oi! Lempparini on tuo kolmanneksi alimman kuvan sininen kukkatapetti yhdistettynä keltaiseen paneeliin. Sinulla langat sointuvat siihen.
VastaaPoistaNiinpäs sointuvatkin :) Vanhat tapetit ovat kyllä aina upeita.