Mutta nyt,hyvin nukutun yön ja mukavan päivän jälkeen mieli on jo paljon parempi ja kotiin jääminen tuntuu itseasiassa ihan hyvältä. Kovasti yritän uskoa siihen,että kaikella on tarkoituksensa ja niin varmasti tälläkin. Tänään oli kaikesta huolimatta ihana päivä. Torilta kalaa,herneitä ja marjoja,kirjakaupasta pientä puuhaa itselle ja lapselle,hyvää ruokaa ja koko päivä yhdessä ja ulkona. Perunatkin olivat sydämen muotoisia:)
Things don't always go as planned - we noticed that yesterday. After few hours of driving our car broke down and we had to come back home. So no Midsummer in Lapland this year. You can't even imagine how irritating it felt...
But now,after a well slept night and a nice day we feel a lot better and staying at home feels actually quite good. I really try to think that everything has its meaning and I'm sure this one has too. Despite all this today was a lovely day. Fish,peas and berries from the market square,little nice things for me and P. from a bookstore,good food and all day together and outside. Even potatoes were heart-shaped:)
Voi ei... No mutta hyvää ja herkullista juhannusta kuitenkin!
VastaaPoistaKirjoittaja on poistanut tämän kommentin.
PoistaKiitoskiitos! Juhannus oli oikein hyvä,sitten kuitenkin:)
PoistaKotonakin on aika kiva:D
VastaaPoistaitse vietän juhannusta tässä lasten kanssa(mies töissä:() osa tosin maalla ystävillään-ja illalla menemme naapurikadulle grillaamaan siskon perheelle.Ihanaa minttumaaria ja voi onnea saada syödä sydämenmuotoisia pottuja!
Kyllä,kotonakin on aika kiva,niin oli nytkin:) Toivottavasti sinulla oli ihana juhannus Maria!
PoistaHarmillista, ettette päässeet lappiin asti. Teillä tuntuu olevan kuitenkin mukava juhannus kotosalla.
VastaaPoistaHyvää juhannusta.
Kiitos! Ja totta,mukavaa oli kotonakin:) Kyllä harmitti,mutta ei onneksi pitkään.
PoistaYour pictures make me feel like summer... Funny, my daughter has the same dress as P. Enjoy the weekend!
VastaaPoistaBad news for your car :(
Thank you so much! And oh,that dress is so cute! I found it from a flea market..wish I had a similar one:)
PoistaRuusukuva ja omakuva ovat aivan hurmaavat!
VastaaPoistaHyvää juhannusta, suunnitelman muutoksista huolimatta :)
Oi kiitos! Juhannus oli ihana,toivottavasti sinunkin!
PoistaToo bad for you guys… Have a nice week end home… i take the opportunity to tell you how much I like your posts and pictures. Gloomy days seem easier and shiny when I read your blog. Thank you!
VastaaPoistaOh,that is so lovely to hear! Thank YOU so much:)
Poistasorry for you car Niina -- someone bumped into mine & ruined my car door just as I was out from surgery last week :( baaad week ! like you i'm trying to believe everything has its purpose/reason -- however I hope you had the nicest Midsommer possible given circumstances & some sunshine, out, and in your heart.
VastaaPoistaP. is growing prettier & prettier xx
And actually we will be in Lapland this week well, hopefully...
Oh,it's just a car and it's already fixed so no problem with that - unlike yours! How stupid! :( I hope you can fix it soon..
PoistaI really believe that there was a reason why we couldn't make it to Lapland - and luckily we had a super nice midsummer here in our home too:)
And ooh,really? Are you coming to Finland? But only to Lapland? It would we so lovely to meet..:)
hello sweetie. no we're in northern Sweden + Norway this time & a few days to see Stockholm in the summer-- we went to the "beach" & L. went swimming in the (a bit cold) water this afternoon.
VastaaPoistabut next time we are in your area i'll be less shy & will sure offer to meet if possible. nice of you to say that !
i had some salty liquorice today & was thinking about you & finland xo